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Virtual Maintenance Trainer

Product overview

The software reduces training time spent in the actual aircraft and migrates more of your training course to the controlled classroom setting. Students can be free from environmental distractions and real-world limitations, allowing them time to focus on instructor-led scenarios and procedure training. With the convenience of the classroom, they can practice troubleshooting procedures, study systems theory, conduct simulated ‘return to service’ tests, and so much more.

Take your VMT Classroom to the next level

These tools are user-friendly, engage your employees, and motivate them to learn. You can save time, and money while enhancing the overall safety of your operation.

The VMT allows multiple technicians to work together and helps to reinforced cockpit spatial awareness.

Features of the VMT include:

  • Instructor operating station (IOS)
    - Launch training scenarios
    - Monitor and control student progress
    - Setup aircraft environment
  • Virtual flight deck (VFD)
    - Simulated cockpit
    - Layouts organized with panels to teach specific aircraft systems
    - Active schematics
  • Virtual aircraft (VA)
    - Aircraft walk-around and access to compartments component identification
    - Front panel BITE
    - Installation and removal of components integrated with IOS and VFD
  • Computer-based training (CBT)
    - Self-paced lessons to reinforce aircraft systems knowledge
  • Part 147 - training organization support
  • Part 66 B1 & B2 (Levels 2 & 3) EASA T1 & T2
  • CCAR Part 66 levels 1 to 3 support the following training categories:
    - Basic maintenance skill training (ME & AV)
    - Aircraft maintenance basic training (ME & AV)
    - Aircraft type training (ME & AV CAT I & II)

B737NG VMT specifications

High-fidelity, fully simulated cockpit, and virtual aircraft with the following capabilities:

  • Systems operations (normal and abnormal)
  • FMS full free play functionality
  • CDS system fully simulated (EFIS and EICAS) EGPWS, TCAS and WXR systems simulated
  • FCC and autothrottle systems simulated
  • Engine simulation allowing engine run-up training PSEU BITE
  • MCDU accessible BITE
  • FMSC
  • DFCS
  • A/T
  • CDS
  • EEC (Engines)
  • APU
  • FQIS
  • Fault/INOP test
  • Engine and APU fire extinguisher test
  • Cargo electronic unit BITE

Access to MCDU maintenance with the ability to run BITE and return-to-service tests.

Front panel BITE simulation.

14 integrated active schematics with moving flow lines.

150+ selectable malfunctions included integrated with virtual aircraft.

B787 VMT specifications

  • Systems operations (normal and abnormal)
  • 25 standard maintenance tasks
  • Aircraft simulated using Boeing simulator data package
  • FMS full free play functionality
  • Integrated surveillance systems (ISS) simulated
  • FCC and autothrottle systems simulated
  • Engine simulation allowing engine run-up training (supports both GE and Rolls Royce)
  • Integrated with virtual aircraft
  • 50+ integrated active schematics with moving flow lines
  • 200+ selectable malfunctions included
    - Multifunction displays
    - Displays implemented with 661 API protocol
    - Cursor control device (CCD) control
    - Multifunction keypad (MFK) control
    - Maintenance pages
    - Circuit breaker indication and control (CBIC)
    - Electronic checklist
  • Heads-up display (HUD)
    - Maintenance laptop functionality
    - Supports system troubleshooting, system tests, and aircraft documentation
    - Central maintenance computing function

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