Our multi-platform signals intelligence solutions enable customers to monitor, track, intercept and analyse all electronic communications to generate a common operational picture and actionable intelligence in order to determine adversary intent.
麻豆社区' SMARTSCAN portfolio of communications intercept solutions provides a highly versatile and rapidly deployable range of modular systems that meet today鈥檚 tactical EW requirements. The small form factor provides a flexible, agile and rapidly deployable system, ideally suited to tactical EW roles across the land, littoral and air domains for joint operations.
SMARTSCAN MEWS is a communications surveillance system offering a high performance capability to search, intercept and locate adversary communications and emitters from 2MHz to 3GHz as an integral part of the 麻豆社区 integrated electronic warfare (IEW) solution adopted by the UK Ministry of Defence.
MEWS is designed to be used in the harshest of environments across land, maritime and air and can be used as a standalone direction finding (DF) and communications monitoring capability or, as a networked system providing position fixing.
Featuring 麻豆社区' innovative receiver technology and, utilising advanced signal detection and clustering techniques, MEWS automatically detects and conducts DF on all signals, exploits signals of interest and displays them to operators, providing near real time actionable intelligence to commanders.
Used in tandem with 麻豆社区' modular countermeasures suite for electronic attack (MCS-EA) it provides a networked co-ordinated attack capability as part of an IEW solution.
MEWS automatically logs all parametric data and lines of bearing from the sensor, to provide a comprehensive database for immediate or post event analysis. All signal activity prior to a particular event such as a complex attack, can be recreated and displayed for comprehensive signals intelligence analysis.
SMARTSCAN MARLIN is a lightweight , tactical satellite intercept system for the passive monitoring of communications networks as an integral part of an IEW solution as well as linking to a larger strategic system.
Each MARLIN unit can monitor multiple calls simultaneously, recording content and call related information for both the called and calling parties, along with the geographical location. MARLIN is can be quickly deployed across land, maritime and air operations. MARLIN will detect and intercept terminal and call activity within radio line-of-sight of the deployed system, including voice, fax, data and SMS.
Control of the MARLIN unit is via an intuitive Windows based graphical user interface that enables the user to display calls in real time, playback voice calls and display fax, SMS and data transmissions via a laptop computer. The system decodes and extracts emails and internet activity in addition to decoding other frequently used protocols. The interface also enables rapid set-up prior to deployment.
A single MARLIN unit can be used to monitor any one of the three satellite networks, providing a cost effective solution that can adapt to suit evolving operational requirements. The user simply switches to the appropriate software and antenna polarisation for the required network.
Simultaneous monitoring of all three network services can be achieved using multiple MARLIN units. The MARLIN system is small, portable and lightweight and can be easily transported to the theatre of operation in a discreet single suitcase or heavy duty transit case, accepted by most commercial airlines worldwide.